Support for Emotional & Social Development
At Blackhall Primary School, we are an inclusive school we consult with a wide range of agencies and partnerships to ensure the Emotional and Social Development needs of SEN children are met. Staff understand the importance of Emotional and Social Development and aim to support and promote the emotional wellbeing of all children. On a daily basis the class teacher is responsible for the pastoral and social care of every child in their class, therefore this would be the parents’ first point of contact should further advice or support be required.
At Blackhall Primary the SENCO (Mrs Baker) works with many children, parents and families to provide an additional layer of pastoral care. We have an open door policy and value our relationships with parents. Staff are available for short messages before school and longer chats after school by appointment.
Blackhall Primary School has and maintains close links with agencies providing specialist expertise. In order to access the best professional advice, we also link with Local Authority and Private Providers of additional services, such as Occupational Therapy, CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service) School Nursing Service, Social Services and Medical Professionals. The Reflection Room is available to hold multi-professional meetings in school so that parents are comfortable in the school environment and the child can join us easily, if it is appropriate.
As a school we have a very positive approach to all types of behaviour with a clear reward system that is followed by all staff and pupils called Class Dojo. The children are rewarded with dojos for positive and kind behaviour and can be rewarded at the end of the week with certificates.