Help and Support for Parents and Carers of Children with SEND
Possible Self-Isolation due to COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
These are strange and difficult times for everyone and our children with SEND may be finding current events and restrictions especially difficult to make sense of. Here are some sources of help and advice which you may find useful, and some resources to use at home with your children. Stay safe and keep well.
Mrs Baker and the Blackhall Primary School Team.
Useful Links
The government have some guidance on their website to help children with SEND continue their education during coronavirus (COVID-19) as well as advice for parents and carers looking after children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), as part of the Guidance for parents and carers on supporting children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
BBC Bitesize have put together a Parents Toolkit with SEND (special educational needs and disabilities) resources, activities and support to help you and your family during lockdown.
The Chatterpack website has lots of free Speech and language, OT, and many other SEND resources for families.
POINT (an information and advice service for families of children and young people with additional needs and/or disabilities) have compiled a list of useful educational, creative and activity resources that will be helpful for families to access from home.
The Oak National Academy have provided high-quality, sequenced video lessons and resources in several specialist areas, including Communication and Language, Creative Arts, Independent Living, Numeracy and Therapies, which you may find helpful.
Resources to download
Here is a pack of activities used with Nurture Groups that you may find useful, and it contains lots of helpful advice on creating routines at home.
‘Looking After Yourself’ is a booklet from DCC SEND and Inclusion Service with some ‘hints and tips’ to go with the work that school has sent home for your child to do. The information and resources here give you some ideas about how to help keep yourself and your family emotionally well during this time. There are links to mental health resources, learning resources and organisations that may be able to help.
Social stories are short descriptions of a situation, event or activity, which can help children understand what to expect in that situation and why, and reduce their anxiety. They can help a person to cope with changes to routine and unexpected or distressing events. Here are some social stories you may find helpful to share with your child.
When I Feel Frustrated – Social Situation
Why Can’t I Go to School – Social Situation
Learning from Home – Social Situation
Your children may find these handwriting activities helpful.