Blackhall Primary School

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Blackhall Primary School, Middle Street, Blackhall Colliery, Hartlepool, TS27 4NA

0191 586 4049

Blackhall Primary School

Inspire, Enjoy, Achieve

"Staff are ambitious for all pupils at Blackhall Primary School." (Ofsted, March 2023)"Children in the early years get off to a strong start. Children settle into school quickly and enjoy their learning." (Ofsted, March 2023)"Pupils learn to read well." (Ofsted, March 2023) "There is a clear sense of belonging and relationships between adults and pupils are strong." (Ofsted, March 2023) "Pupils' successes are celebrated. They are proud of their achievements and enjoy learning with friends." (Ofsted, March 2023) "Playtimes are happy occasions." (Ofsted, March 2023)"There is a love of reading throughout the school.. Pupils cherish these reading sessions." (Ofsted, March 2023)

School Office

Our School Office Staff are always here to help you during school hours. However, here are a few items that may be useful to parents and carers which you can view or download from our website.


Our School Day


Morning session: 8:45am – 11:45am

Afternoon session: 12:15pm – 3:15pm


Reception to Year 6: 

Official start of the compulsory school day: 9am

All doors on the main school yard are opened at 8:50am by a member of staff. Children can come into school anytime between 8:50am and 9am and walk straight into school where their teacher will be waiting for them in the classroom. This will avoid both children and parents having to wait on the yard and therefore a smoother, calmer approach to the start of the day. All the doors will be locked at 9.00 a.m. You must use the Main Entrance if you are late.

Finish time: 3:30pm 


Children in Reception, KS1 & KS2 attend school for 32.5 hours.


Downloadable Documents

Emergency Contact Information Form

Parental Consent Form EV4

Emergency Contact Information Form

Free School Meals Entitlement Verification Check

Request form for school to administer medication

Pupil Photograph Consent Form

Application form for 2-year-old provision

Application form for a Nursery place

You may also require our General School Complaints Procedure (which can also be found on our policies page) downloadable below:

Blackhall Primary Complaints Procedure


Data Protection

Blackhall Primary School collects and uses pupil information under the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Education Act 1996 which are a lawful basis for collecting and using pupil information for general purposes (and from Article 6 and Article 9 where data processed is special category data from the General Data Protection Regulation from 25 May 2018).

Our Privacy Notice (which can also be found on our policies page) is available below:

Privacy Notice for Pupils and Parents

All documents are available in printed format from the school office on request, at no charge.

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You may need a product like Adobe Reader (free download) to view our PDF documents on our website.