It is our vision that in music we provide children with as many opportunities to progress and excel within their creativity. We want pupils to enjoy and look forward to their music lessons. Our inspiring music curriculum encourages pupils to believe in themselves and their musical ability whilst developing their self-confidence.
Curriculum Rationale
Our Music curriculum is carefully sequenced so children can progressively develop and deepen their knowledge and skills. Our curriculum is focused on, listening and singing, specialist teaching, performance and composition. In turn, we can show clear progression of the skills that have been taught and reinforced, so pupils know more and remember more.
Year groups Reception to Year 6 all receive valuable music input from Durham Music Service throughout the academic year, which enhances the children’s learning through specialist teaching. The focus within specialist teaching is performance, this enables all children to have access to fantastic musical opportunities throughout the year. In addition, it allows staff to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to deliver areas of the music curriculum effectively.
Our curriculum is made up of elements of Charanga Original Scheme and Charanga English Music Model Curriculum. This supports staff in their delivery of music. In order to broaden pupils’ experiences & knowledge in music, we have planned additional bespoke units focusing on composition, listening and singing. This allows us to up skill staff in individual elements of the curriculum. It is our aim to continue to develop bespoke units as music becomes embedded into our school.
Please click here to read our Music Development Plan.
Music in the EYFS
Through Expressive Arts, children are taught to sing songs, make music and dance. Children are given opportunities to experiment with ways of changing sound and develop an understanding of pulse rhythm and pitch. Children enjoy listening and responding to different styles of music, learning to sing, joining in with nursery rhymes and action songs which leads to playing classroom instruments and performing for others. Children are also encouraged to use everyday objects to make music and create sound, children enjoy exploring our music wall outdoors and experiment with sound using objects made from different materials such as wood, metal and plastic. Children experiment with water buts, kettles and pans, piping, guttering, bin lids and many different types of beaters.
Music in KS1 & KS2
Our Music curriculum is designed:
- to enable our children to become independent, respectful and successful adults in terms of being able to find employment in the future and to maintain healthy lifestyles
- to provide a relevant, progressive and well-structured Music curriculum which enables children to develop and master a broad knowledge and wide range of skills
Our Music curriculum is structured providing for each key stage and year group:
- A clear list of end points
- Progressive knowledge and skills which will shape children as musicians
- A clear list of vocabulary both appropriate to Music and progressive through the key stages
- Provide a variety of enrichment opportunities including visitors into school and visits to different places
- Access to specialist music teaching
Documents relating to our music curriculum can be found below:
Long Term Planning what will be covered in each year group can be found below:
Please click here to read our progression of skills.