Blackhall Primary School

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Blackhall Primary School, Middle Street, Blackhall Colliery, Hartlepool, TS27 4NA

0191 586 4049

Blackhall Primary School

Inspire, Enjoy, Achieve

"Staff are ambitious for all pupils at Blackhall Primary School." (Ofsted, March 2023)"Children in the early years get off to a strong start. Children settle into school quickly and enjoy their learning." (Ofsted, March 2023)"Pupils learn to read well." (Ofsted, March 2023) "There is a clear sense of belonging and relationships between adults and pupils are strong." (Ofsted, March 2023) "Pupils' successes are celebrated. They are proud of their achievements and enjoy learning with friends." (Ofsted, March 2023) "Playtimes are happy occasions." (Ofsted, March 2023)"There is a love of reading throughout the school.. Pupils cherish these reading sessions." (Ofsted, March 2023)

Curriculum – Geography

It is our vision that Geography helps young people make sense of their place in the world and begin a lifetime of caring about the Earth as the home of humankind. We want our children to be knowledgeable global citizens, aware of our own local community and region, and with an appreciation of people and places near and far. We want them to apply geographical thinking as they engage with contemporary challenges like climate change, food security, energy choices and human movement. Most of all we want our pupils to feel wonder at the incredible beauty of Earth, be inspired by the awesome power of Earth-shaping forces, and show curiosity about the world and its people.


Curriculum Rationale 

Pupils will study places, people and processes at each of the each of the key stages; map work, specific vocabulary and increasingly far away locations are included. This ensures that each of the world’s continents are visited, and the main processes shaping the Earth are studied in a systematic way at least once during a child’s education. Substantive geography knowledge and skills are developed in tandem with the disciplinary knowledge necessary to be a geographer. Developing a sense of place is essential and we aim to give pupils an increasing appreciation of Blackhall’s identity as a coastal, former mining village. 

At Early Years Foundation Stage, we draw on people, culture and communities and the natural world plus aspects of map work and care for the environment as appropriate through the areas of Knowledge and Understanding of the World.  

At Key Stage 1, we introduce the four key strands of Geographical study (Locational knowledge, Place knowledge, Human and physical geography, and Geographical skills and fieldwork) through developing knowledge about the world, the United Kingdom and in particular locality-based study and fieldwork.  

 At Key Stage 2, we extend pupils’ knowledge and understanding beyond the local area to include the United Kingdom and Europe, North and South America, including the location and characteristics of a range of the world’s most significant human and physical features. 

 The geography curriculum is coherent and progressive, enabling pupils to deepen their substantive knowledge: their understanding of key themes and concepts of place, space, scale, interdependence, physical and human processes, environmental impact, sustainable development, cultural awareness and cultural diversity. They also gain increasing depth of fieldwork skills and experiences year on year, allowing them to gather, analyse, present and interpret spatial information and identify patterns and trends. 

Enquiry questions are at the heart of geography at all key stages from Early Years Foundation Stage to KS2. They enable pupils to build on previous learning and deepen and broaden their understanding through increasingly sophisticated and complex systematic and thematic enquiries. They are used for units of work at all key stages.  

 Geography in the EYFS 

The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum supports children’s understanding of geography, people and communities through the planning and teaching of ‘Understanding the World’. Children learn about features of their own environment such as school, home, community and their city through first-hand experiences and learn how environments may differ through the sharing of books, stories, poems, small world play, role play and visits. Children enjoy the valuable experiences gained from our regular trips to places within their local community such as the library, park and local shops. Children are given time to discuss, comment and ask questions about what they observe about the world around them and are encouraged to be active learners and explore their interests further.

What does Geography look like in the EYFS?


Geography in KS1 & KS2

Our Geography curriculum is designed:

  • to enable our children to become independent, respectful and successful adults in terms of being able to find employment in the future and to be moral citizens
  • to provide a relevant, progressive and well-structured Geography curriculum which enables children to develop and master a broad knowledge and wide range of skills

Our Geography curriculum is structured providing for each key stage and year group:

  • A clear list of end points
  • Progressive knowledge and skills which will shape children as geographers
  • A clear list of vocabulary both appropriate to Geography and progressive through the key stages
  • Provide a variety of enrichment opportunities including visitors into school, local area visits and visits to different places

Documents relating to our Geography curriculum can be found below:

Long Term Plan

Documents outlining what will be covered in each year group can be found below:

KS1 Year A

KS1 Year B

LKS2 Year A

LKS2 Year B

Year 5

Year 6